Dr. T. Wayne Bishop Ministries

Apostolic Teacher / Spiritual Leadership Coach & Trainer - Dr. T. Wayne Bishop

Leadership Training/Church Consulting​

Dr. T. Wayne Bishop is rapidly becoming known as a leading authority in Leadership Training. He constantly refers to leadership as the “missing link” in the 21st-century church, and without scriptural and spiritual leadership, no church or church organization will reach its maximum potential. Dr. Bishop is phenomenally gifted in unlocking the mysteries of spiritual leadership, in a way that makes the simplest of minds understand God’s law of leadership and how to apply it. His strategy is cutting edge and 21st century. The basis of his argument in leadership training finds its roots in the bible; not corporate America or private sector training but through the scriptures.

 A number of churches and church organizations have benefited significantly from Dr. Bishop teaching and training on the subject of Leadership. Many under the direction of Dr. Bishop have learned how to become better leaders, and able to identify leaders that are a better fit for church roles and responsibilities. Under his direction, dozens of churches have significantly increased their success rate with greater unity amongst their leaders and have experienced a greater spiritual anointing as a result of implementing a more biblical structure of leadership.
Your church can grow, your ministry can be stronger, and your spiritual influence can significantly increase through the anointed teaching ministry of Dr. T. Wayne Bishop
  • Learn more about:
  • Leadership Training Dynamics
  • Vetting the Right People for Key Positions
  • Producing Strong Sub-Leaders
  • Vision Casting

Dr. T. Wayne Bishop is a veteran Church Consultant. The Bible says the church that our Lord Savior Jesus Christ is returning for is described as, a church without spot or wrinkle. It’s without a doubt, our present day church cannot be described this way. Many of our churches are broken for various reasons; ranging from the lack of knowledge to immature leadership. How then, are we going to become this church Christ is coming for? The key is “church consulting” which happens when qualified men of God are raised up, with special Apostolic Gifting to bring both order and structure to the local church and the body of Christ. With nearly 30 years’ experience as a Senior Pastor, Dr. T. Wayne Bishop emerges as a spiritually called “Apostolic Leader”. He is equipped to dynamically change your church into becoming healthy and therefore, producing life given results.

Through a series of spiritual modules and training tools, your church will be set on a path to evolving into a highly successful ministry.
  • Learn more about:
  • Church Growth
  • Financial Freedom
  • Organizational Reconstructing
  • Leadership Training
Dr. T. Wayne Bishop has been conducting Conferences and Revivals all over the world. He is regarded as a leading authority in the area of church leadership, kingdom finances, and prayer and intercession. Through his vast knowledge in these areas and the dynamic anointing upon his life, Dr. Bishop seeks to equip both churches and church organizations, to cope with the constant demand for excellence.
Through his many revivals, numerous churches have been redirected and repositioned, to seek and experience the fire of God once again both in the pulpit and the pew. It is clearly understood, that once Apostle Bishop visits your church, it will never be the same again.