Dr. T. Wayne Bishop Ministries

Apostolic Teacher / Spiritual Leadership Coach & Trainer - Dr. T. Wayne Bishop

Dr. T. Wayne Bishop
The Man

A Committed Life

Dr. T. Wayne Bishop committed his life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ at the tender age of 14 and started his preaching ministry one year later. This commitment immediately led to his call into ministry. Apostle has been ministering the Word of God for over 35 years, traveling throughout the Caribbean, North America, South America, Europe, and Africa. Apostle has been an international senior pastor for over 25 years, in several different countries.

Dr. T. Wayne Bishop consistently flows in both the Prophetic and Teaching Anointing. As a prophetic voice, he speaks into the lives of many individuals around the world. As a teacher, he trains and mentors many seasoned and aspiring ministers mainly in leadership, prayer intercession, and how to minister effectively in their calling. Dr. T. Wayne Bishop is an author of several remarkable books and manuals; that are currently being used as textbooks in his school of ministry.
Dr. T. Wayne Bishop is an articulate, powerful, thought-provoking speaker compelling people to expand and change the way they think. He helps believers to continually expand their knowledge to develop and discover their gifts and personal calling in life. His ministry gifting is Apostolic and Prophetic, while his talent is wrapped in birthing leaders. His communication abilities have been said to be “skillful, surgical, relevant, and creatively architectural.”
Dr. T. Wayne Bishop has a Master’s Degree in both Ministry and Pastoral Leadership. He received his Doctor of Divinity degree in 2014. He is a well-respected Church Planter, Pastoral Coach, and Leadership Trainer. Apostle Bishop along with his wife Cordia continues to serve the body of Christ with conviction and passion.
If you would like to know more about Apostle Bishop and his schedule feel free to follow: Website- www.twaynebishop.com, Facebook-Apostle T. Wayne Bishop Ministries, and LinkedIn- Apostle Dr. T Wayne Bishop.

From The Heart
~ His Message ~

I believe with all my heart a great revival is coming and there is going to be a great outpouring of the Spirit of God, all over the world. My Father is getting ready to prepare the church as a bride for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. I also believe that the end time is upon us and that we are living in the last days. However, the Bible tells us that before Christ returns, that there will be a great revival and restoration that will visit the world. During that time, we will encounter a tremendous and awesome manifestation of God, which we have never seen before.
The miracles recorded in the Old Testament and the book of Acts, will not compare to the miraculous move of God that we are about to see. It is because of this imminent revival that God has raised up key men and women in the body of Christ, to not only speak concerning the coming move of God, but also prepare the church for that move.
I believe that my Father’s hand is upon my life, for the purpose of realigning the body of Christ, by promoting scriptural order through the teaching of present day revelation and truth. Even now as you are reading this, I speak order in your life and pray that the spirit of realignment and reconnection will overshadow your life, creating a hunger and thirst for more of God, more of His presence, and more of His glory. I eagerly await the opportunity to meet you and to come to your ministry, to spread this word of global revival that will not only change both you and your ministry, but also usher in the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
From the Heart

Dr. T. Wayne Bishop

His Ministry